
Car Insurance in India

It is a well known fact that safety is one of the least costly and also the most effective policy. As you also know that no matter how safely you drive and follow traffic rules, you can't avert mishap even if it's your fault or someone else's fault, this is something we can't change but we can be prepared for it and take preventive measures because prevention is better than cure. The best way to do this is get the right car insurance policy and a health insurance at the same time.
There are certain laws that are followed globally and some areas additional requirement is necessary. In the case of an accident, the rule followed by car insurance is almost the same in many states in India. In India, the car insurance is done by various banks and financial institutions which have in turn collaborated with automobile companies or car company owners.
This type of insurance that is followed basically covers the loss or damages on the car as a result of someone's action. The major companies like HMT Tractors, Royal Enfield, Chevrolet, BMW, Toyota, Ford, Rolls Royce etc while the key insurance provider is ICICI Lombard.
Car insurance is done to basically protect or safeguard you from any unfortunate and unforeseen event such as theft of the car or even worse an accident. For such kinds of preventive measure you don't have to shell out a lot of money as car insurance is very affordable nowadays this is because insurers provide you with flexible plans that are easy on the pocket and also at the same time perfect for you.
If in the event of an accident and it is the other drivers fault and the driver is insured also then you would be able to collect the money that you would never would have been able to collect if the driver was not insured. So, this is the main reason as to why car insurance is mandatory by law.
Since it is mandatory it should be over looked or even tried to avoid it. Driving a car without insurance could result in the suspension of your driving privileges and also in some cases heavy fine can incur or jail or even both depending on the gravity of the situation.
Maintaining car insurance is self act of protection. So, be responsible and obtain car insurance for your car.

About the Author
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